VAPE: What Parents Should Know

Across the United States, e-cigarette use, also known as vaping, is reaching epidemic proportions among teenagers. According to the American Lung Association, more than 5 million U.S. middle and high school students have reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days.

There are many health concerns with e-cigarette use. Although some don’t contain nicotine, e-cigarette juices use liquid nicotine extracted from tobacco and can contain as much nicotine as an entire pack of cigarettes. There are also concerns about increased exposure to toxins, including heavy metals, chemical compounds, and other fine particles that may get absorbed into the lung. Additionally, e-cigarettes can be used as a delivery system for other drugs.

According to the Surgeon General’s health advisory, about one third of middle and high school students who used e-cigarettes used them as a delivery device for marijuana. Health officials are concerned about this growing trend "because cannabis use among youth can adversely affect learning and memory and may impair later academic achievement and education.”

Vape: What Parents Should Know is a one-hour informative and engaging presentation that focuses on common devices used for vaping, substances vaped such as nicotine and marijuana, and the health risks associated with vaping and the substances vaped. The presentation includes a backpack demonstration of where teens can hide their devices and examples of common devices.

Participants will:

·      Learn the current vaping trends and health risks associated

·      See vaping devices and how they can be concealed

·      Learn how parents can help prevent vaping

·      Have an opportunity to ask questions

Interested in bringing a Vaping presentation to your school?

For more information, please contact